News Blog Images

Images can be included in a newsletter post/story.  They can be included in the body of the post/story or in the (paralax) header.  Images used in the header are also used as the image on the post/story listing page.

Using Images on story/post pages

No Image

  1. make a new post
  2. add a title for the post
  3. add and format the content for the post
  4. publish
    • there will be no image above the content on the post page
    • there will be no image related to the story on the story listing pageblog listin no image  story no image

Image in Content

  1. make a new post
  2. add a title for the post
  3. add and format the content for the post
  4. use Add Media  to add an image in the body of the post
    • (button is located above the content box)
  5. publish
    • an image will appear in the body of the post/story
    • there will be no image above the content on the post page
    • there will be no image related to the story on the story listing page
      blog listin no image story image in content

Image in Story/Post Header and on Listing Page

  1. make a new post
  2. add a title for the post
  3. add and format the content for the post
  4. (optional) use Add Media to add an image in the body of the post
    • (button is located above the content box)
  5. select an image to be the Featured Image
    1. this should be different from any image used at the top of the post
    2. Featured Image box is in the lower right side of the edit screen
  6. publish
    • the Featured Image will be displayed as a paralax image above the content on the story/post page
      • a full version of the featured image will  be repeated below the paralax image
    • the featured image will be displayed next to the story/post on the story listing page


Using Galleries in Stories

Some stories benefit from multiple images — but placing multiple full images on a page can cause the post/story  pageto be very long — forcing the related stories links to be far down on the page.  Using a gallery will shorten the page.  There are a few options for including a gallery on a story/post.

note: galleries work best when images are all the same size

Gallery without captions

  • good for including images in a slideshow format within the story
  • does not show captions


  1. make a new post
  2. add a title for the post
  3. add and format the content for the post
  4. put your cursor where you want to place the gallery
  5. click Add Media button above the content box
  6. Select Create Gallery in the left menu
    1. select photos (checkbox will appear for selected photos)
    2. press Create New Gallery in lower right
    3. press Insert Gallery
  7. (optional) select an image to be the Featured Image
    1. — this should be different from any image used at the top of the post
    2. Featured Image box is in the lower right side of the edit screen
  8. publish
    • the featured image will be displayed as a paralax image above the content on the post page
      • a full version of this image will  be repeated below the paralax image
    • the featured image will be displayed next to the story/post on the story listing page
    • the gallery/slideshow will be displayed within the story — there are no captions


Gallery 2

  • good for including images in a grid format at the top of the story
    • when images in grid are clicked on a full slideshow appears
  • displays captions — partial in grid layout, full in slideshow format
  1. make a new post
  2. add a title for the post
  3. add and format the content for the post
  4. scroll down the page into the Settings section
  5. click +Add Media
    1. select photos
    2. press Select in the lower right
    3. check the Grid Gallery box (right below the +Add Media button)
      story settings section gallery
  6. to have the slideshow display as the featured image for the story on the listing page:
    • select Gallery in the Format box in the right column

  7. (optional) select a featured image
    • if you do it will show as a paralax image on the top of the story/post
    • the slideshow will not show on the story listing page
  8. publish
    • each image shows as a thumbnail in a grid layout
      • mouse over the image to see the partial caption
      • click on any image to start the slideshow
      • full captions show below the images
    • the slideshow will be displayed next to the story/post on the story listing page